Support local farmers in growing food that will be transformed into scratch-made, nourishing meals for vulnerable communities.

The mission of Equal Plates Project is to support local farmers, address food insecurity, and build community through scratch-made meals.

We purchase from local farmers at fair prices, transform their quality ingredients into scratch-made meals, and partner with community organizations to share thousands of meals each week with our neighbors facing complex barriers to food access.

All donations are tax-deductible.

Checks should made out to Equal Plates Project and mailed to:

Equal Plates Project
PO Box 2032
Asheville, NC 28802

EIN: 85-2809644


Equal Plates Project is a 501(c)3 nonprofit.

Your dollars directly support and strengthen our local food economy, allowing farmers to bring these ingredients to the kitchen:

Early Season:

Strawberries, green onions, kale, collards, lettuce, peas, broccoli, beets, radish, napa cabbage, arugula, kohlrabi, new potatoes, fennel, dill, green garlic

Mid Season:

Okra, eggplant, leeks, celeriac, celery, beans, onions, garlic, sweet potatoes, bok choi, lettuce, escarole, radish, beets, carrots, shallots

Late Season:

Cucumbers, cabbage, carrots, sweet onions, garlic, beans, tomatoes, peppers, basil, squash, purple potatoes, edamame, parsley, celery, chard